Disaster Management

Disaster Management

This department works in close cooperation with other local, regional and even national disaster management and emergency services in cases mostly related to natural disasters such as flooding, fire and extreme wind conditions.

The Disaster Management department identifies, prevents or reduces the occurrence of disasters and softens the impact of those that cannot be prevented.

They also facilitate the coordination, integration and efficiency of multiple emergency services and other essential services to ensure that these organisations work together, both pro-actively through risk reduction, planning and preparedness; and reactively through response, relief, recovery and rehabilitation.

It is Disaster Management’s responsibility to prepare and execute the Municipal Disaster Management Plan. The municipality’s Disaster Management Plan is driven by the Head Disaster Management, supported by a multi-disciplinary team that executes contingency plans. In the event of a disaster or a large scale emergency, the Head Disaster Management assembles in the Joint Operations Centre (JOC), and acts as a central information point to communicate swiftly with the public during emergencies.

Contact Head: Disaster Management and Social Services:


Disaster Management Plan

2 Available for download