Economic Development & Investment

Economic Development & Investment

Why invest in Knysna?

Knysna is the ideal location to establish and expand a business. The Knysna economy is the third largest economy in the Eden District with a total Gross Geographical Product of R 2,3 billion in 2011 according to StatsSA (2013). The leading sectors are Finance and Business Services and Wholesale, Retail, Trade and Accommodation.

The key reasons which for investment in the Knysna economy and its people include the following:

  • Good infrastructure and basic services
  • Accessible via road (N2), rail and air (George Airport)
  • World renowned tourist destination
  • Foreign investment opportunities
  • Sufficient housing opportunities
  • Low crime rates
  • Excellent business support services
  • Ample industrial land and commercial space
  • Excellent educational facilities
  • Labour opportunities
  • Sound regulatory environment

Economic Profile and Investment Opportunities: Invest Knysna Magazine
Knysna Socio-Economic Summary: Knysna-in-Numbers

Municipalities have a developmental duty to promote social and economic development. Economic Development (ED) is an approach to sustainable economic development that encourages residents of local communities to work together to stimulate local economic activity that will result in, inter alia, an improvement in the quality of life for all in the local community.

The purpose of ED is to build up the economic capacity of a local area i.e. Knysna Municipal area to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all. It is a process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation.

Knysna Municipality’s Economic Development Department is primarily responsible to coordinate and facilitate an enabling environment for economic development. This includes the following focus areas:

  • Improving the Business Investment Climate
  • Investing in Hard Strategic Infrastructure
  • Investment in Sites & Premises for Business
  • Investment in Soft Infrastructure
  • Encouraging Local Business Growth
  • Encouraging New Enterprises
  • Promoting Inward Investment
  • Sector Support and Business Cluster Development
  • Area Targeting and Regeneration
  • Informal Economy Sector Development
  • Local Tourism

The Economic Development Department focuses on all of the above areas through four departmental business units:

  • Business Support & Development
  • Trade & Investment Promotion
  • Tourism Coordinations
  • Expanded Public Works Programme

Contact Manager Economic Development:
Ms Lungiswa Goya
Telephone: +27 (0)44 302 6366

Greater Knysna Economic Development Strategy

2 Available for download

Tourism Destination Plan

2 Available for download