Section 15 of Chapter 4 of the Knysna Municipality Rules of Order for Internal Arrangements By-law makes provision for members of the public to attend Council meetings.
Section 15. Attendance of members of public stipulates as follows:
- The Speaker must take reasonable steps to regulate public access to, and public conduct at meetings;
- The Speaker may allocate reasonable time to any member of the public who wishes to address the
Council, considering —- the nature of the matter to be discussed;
- priorities in relation to other Council business;
- other members of the public present who also wish to address the Council; and
- whether such an opportunity has already been provided to the member of the public.
- A member of the public who wishes to address the Council must apply in writing to the Speaker within 6 working days prior to the meeting, stating the matter on which he or she wishes to speak.
Contact details:
Office of the Speaker
Telephone: +27 (0)44 302 6314